A label aimed at strengthening the rules of whale approaches and making the observation activity more sustainable For the 5th year, the … [Read more...] about Tahiti: a label for whale watching providers
Embiez: Nature island by excellence
Embiez Island has been developed “in harmony with nature” in order to transform it into an “ideal place to relax and enjoy a … [Read more...] about Embiez: Nature island by excellence
El Hierro: an exportable model in the islands
50% of El Hierro households use clean energy February 15th, 2016 is a historic date for this isolated island: the wind hybrid … [Read more...] about El Hierro: an exportable model in the islands
Fakarava: the shark mystery unveiled
With 900 individuals present in the pass Tetamanu, Fakarava is home to one of highest densities of reef sharks in the world "In these … [Read more...] about Fakarava: the shark mystery unveiled
A new shark sanctuary in the Cayman Islands and Sint Marteen
The shark sanctuary Cayman Islands and Sint Maarten will help to protect species while enjoying the marine ecosystem and ecotourism The … [Read more...] about A new shark sanctuary in the Cayman Islands and Sint Marteen
Guadeloupe: reintroduction of manatees raised in captivity
The West Indian manatee disappeared from Guadeloupe because of intensive hunting Kai and Junior male, seven and six, will be the first of … [Read more...] about Guadeloupe: reintroduction of manatees raised in captivity
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: a sustainable solution for islands
Martinique is one of the most promising areas in the world for the exploitation of this constant and eco-friendly renewable energy Jules … [Read more...] about Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: a sustainable solution for islands
New-Caledonia : whale watching is booming
The charter for whale-watchers' good practices: a guarantee of quality and assurance of the skipper's involvement for an eco friendly … [Read more...] about New-Caledonia : whale watching is booming
Australia: WWF buys hunting licenses to save sharks
By purchasing a hunting license WWF considers save 20,000 sharks per year Save sharks by hunting! Such is the amazing and no less brilliant … [Read more...] about Australia: WWF buys hunting licenses to save sharks
Cetaceans no longer faced by US Navy sonar nuisance
Sonar used to detect submarines can injure whales, dolphins, seals and walruses and disturb their feeding and mating Environmentalists and … [Read more...] about Cetaceans no longer faced by US Navy sonar nuisance